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Have a complaint? Take it up with Concilianet

The Office of the Federal Prosecutor for the Consumer, also referred to as the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor in Spanish, abbreviated Profeco) hopes  to expedite resolution of complaints against providers of goods and services through 52 Concilianet modules, the same number of branch offices for this public entity are being installed throughout the country. 

Although this service for complaint conciliation is over the Internet, consumers can also get advice from Profeco itself at the module installations so as to accelerate the resolution procedure for each case.

This new mechanism "generates two more personalized levels of service for consumers, one at the national level and now one at the local level," through the modules installed at the branches of this agency, said Bernardo Altamirano, head of Profeco.

At the Concilianet modules, consumers will have an adviser from Profeco to assist them, making this service comprehensive and expeditious, added the official.

Consumers can reach a much quicker resolution to their complaints via Concilianet as the process is reduced from 60 to 21 days, "while the percentage of conciliation of cases with providers increases from 80 to 91%, and up to 100 % of the total amount claimed by consumers is able to be recovered."

By Conciliation becoming faster, the likelihood of there being a satisfactory response to consumer demand increases.

Source: idconline.com.mx

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